Wellness Programs at Women’s Lunch Place

We provide urgent and long-term care for guests’ physical and emotional well-being. Reach out to our Program Manager to inquire about collaborations and offerings.


On-Site Free Medical Care

Medical professionals from Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program (BHCHP) offer our guests free health care services for urgent and chronic health conditions, Monday through Friday at Women’s Lunch Place. In FY24, hundreds of guests visited our medical clinic.

A therapist, psychiatric nurse practitioner, and psychiatrist offer counseling to WLP guests. Community health centers and agencies present informational workshops on relevant topics. We train and partner with LGBTQ groups to educate and offer services to a diverse community of women.

WLP advocates and nurses assist women in obtaining health insurance through MassHealth. They schedule appointments with specialists and arrange for transportation to and from the treatment centers.

wlp Wellness programMING

Our guests participated in Wellness programs 2,729 times this past fiscal year. Facilitated by WLP’s Wellness Program Navigator, these initiatives include:

Substance Use Disorder Recovery – dual recovery programming, offered in partnership with Boston Medical Center (Metro Boston Recovery Learning Community), assists guests who feel ready to address their substance use disorders.

Smoking Cessation – weekly meetings for guests who are attempting to quit smoking through a collaboration with Boston Medical Center and Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program.

Food Security – individual counseling, workshops, and walk-in availability to assist women with connecting to healthy nutrition via SNAP, About Fresh, Project Bread, and other resources.

English Language & Literacy Learners – classes for learning English language verbal and writing skills, which are essential for navigating daily life. We build confidence and self-esteem as individuals gain the ability to express themselves and connect with others.

Garden Club – through tending to plants and watching them grow, guests gain a sense of responsibility and nurturing. The fresh produce grown in the garden can provide nutritious food options, improving physical health and well-being.

Therapeutic Expressions – yoga, jewelry-making, dancing, and other creative, artistic, and meditative activities are offered throughout the week at Women’s Lunch Place.

Walking Club – daily walks around Boston provide a sense of structure and routine, which can be particularly beneficial for those experiencing homelessness. They offer opportunities for socialization and connection with others, which can combat feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Community Field Trips – we collaborate with local organizations across Greater Boston to organize fun and educational day trips with our guests, such as guided, private tours of the MFA or trips to our partner farm at Gaining Ground Concord.