Partners of Women’s Lunch Place

Service Partners

Providing guest-focused services or in-kind donations to Women’s Lunch Place.

Action for Boston Community Development 
Affordable Green Movers
American Friends Service Committee 
Bay Cove Human Services 
Bob’s Discount Furniture’s Charitable Giving Program 
Boston Area Rape Crisis Center 
Boston BullPen 
Boston Center for Adult Education 
Boston Emergency Services Team (BEST) 
Boston Healthcare for the Homeless
Boston Homeless Court
Boston Housing Authority
Boston Medical Center 
Boston Public Health Commission 
Boston Share Network 
Boston University Law School 
Boston’s Metrolist 
Brookline Housing Authority
Budget Buddies
Building Impact
CAPIC Payee Program
Cambridge Housing Authority 
Cambridge School of Culinary Arts
Caritas Communities
Chelsea Collaborative 
Clarendon Residences
Community Servings
Commonwealth Land Trust
Community Work Services 
CSI Co-ops 
Department of Transitional Assistance 
Dignity Matters
Dignity U Wear 
Dress for Success Boston 
Executive Office of Elder Affairs 
Executive Office of Health & Human Services 
Fenway Community Health Center 
Fenway Victory Gardens
Found in Translation 
Greater Boston Food Bank
Greater Boston Legal Services 
Hale Bernard Bill Payer Program
Heading Home 
Hope and Comfort 
Holland + Knight 
Household Goods
Ignatian Spirituality Project 
Jewish Vocational Services 
Lawyers Clearinghouse 
Lend A Hand Society
Letters Foundation 
Malden Housing Authority
Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless 
Massachusetts General Hospital 
Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission
Metro Housing Boston 
Mission of Deeds 
Mom’s Project/MORE Program 
Music For Food
Myra H. Kraft Giving Back Assistance Fund 
Network Health 
Newton Housing Authority 
National Charity League of Wellesley
New England Center for Arts & Technology 
New England Center for Homeless Veterans 
New Life Furniture Bank 
Northeastern University
One Roof Program and A Bed for Every Child 
Project Bread’s FoodSource Hotline
Project Hope 
Project Place 
Quincy Housing Authority 
Rent Secure
Rescuing Leftover Cuisine 
Revere Housing Authority 
Rian Immigrant Center 
Safelink Domestic Violence Hotline 
Saint Cecilia Parish
Salvation Army 
Social Security Administration 
Somerville Housing Authority
South End Community Health Center 
SPAN Inc. 
St. Anthony’s Shrine Food Pantry
Tech Goes Home 
Training Inc. 
Urban Edge Credit Counseling
Victory Programs 
Villa Victoria 
Whittier Street Health Center
Women@Work Plus 


If your company is interested in partnering with Women’s Lunch Place, please contact us at